August 16, 2019


Author: jereme

Emom 24

1: 50 du or 80 jump rope

2: 30 sit ups

3: 30 kb swings 53/35

4: 10 clean and jerk rx 95/65 rx+ 115/75

5: 20 push ups

6: rest

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  1. Made it 3 rounds

  2. Rx

  3. 2rds scaling c&j to 6. Finished sit-ups in 3rd and done. Not a good day

  4. 3 rounds rx+ last round still rx+ but I ran over.

  5. Rx for first 2 rounds, scaled KB swings to 20 and C&J to 8 for last 2 rounds…dang!

  6. Scaled…only able to get one round of 30 kB swings. Dropped to 23 on set 2 and 20 on three and four. That took the minute for me.