September 11, 2019

532 – 9/11/19 wod

Author: jereme

For time

100 goblet squats 53/35 kb

100 kb swings 53/35

100 shoulder to overhead 45 lb barbell

43 burpees


That’s 343 reps. Score time.

* if you want a harder workout for 9/11, do this one:

110 burpees

342 double unders 684 singles

75 box step ups + 53/35 kb 24/20

2001m Row

My time was 32:24.

Share your thoughts

  1. Rx – 20:35

  2. Still recovering from my Tower climb on Wednesday. Gave it a shot, but had to stop had pain in knees and hips. I’ll give it another go next week.

  3. 19:23 rx, took 11:24 to complete kB squats and kB swings, not sure what to think about that. Did 100 rotation sit-ups after wod

  4. 20:46 rx