October 11, 2020


Author: jereme

For time:

10 rounds

10 cal row

10 pushups

Share your thoughts

  1. rx 11:22 YOU SUCK JEREME

    • Seems to be the verdict.

    • Can’t believe you got on a rower

  2. 10:42 rx

  3. Welch did it too

  4. 18:15 just did it

    • Welch completed it too

  5. Rx 12:45. I hate consecutive push ups.

  6. 8:09 Rx 1 round of unbroken push ups then sets of 5, 3, 2. Rows were fast

    • Ouch.

  7. Rx – 9:19

  8. 8:18 rx
    Very clean unbroken push-up reps.

    ~50 second rounds until the 10th and then puke pace.

  9. 8:50 that was an annoying transition