October 29, 2019
Author: jereme
100 jump rope
25 back squats 45lbs
25 sit-ups
100 jump rope
25 burpees
25 push press 45
100 jump rope
Rx +
75 double under 150 jump rope
75 back squats 45lbs
75 sit-ups
75 double under / 150 jump rope
75 burpees
75 push press 45
75 double under / 150 jump rope
The rx+ version is the soul crushing wod from CrossFit linchpin that I programmed for CrossFit this week. If you’re up for a challenge, get after it. Took me 20 including breaking one jump rope and having a backup rope in knots plus a temper tantrum.
Shane Garland
says: - 129 comments - November 1, 2019rx
says: - 582 comments - October 31, 20197:34 rx
says: - 47 comments - October 31, 2019Rx – 7:22
Mike T
says: - 590 comments - October 31, 2019Rx – 6:32
says: - 143 comments - October 30, 2019rx+ took a little less than 25 min to do.