November 14, 2020


Author: jereme

EMOM 18+

Minute 1: 10 cal row

Minute 2: 30 double unders or 75 jump rope

Minute 3: 10 ground to overhead 75/45

At minute 18 begin 3 rounds for time. Same movements and reps.

Score total time.

Rx+ 95/65

Share your thoughts

  1. Rx+ 25:58 – snatch, singles jump rope

  2. Done 18 min then Snider put rower up

  3. Rx+ 25:20

  4. Rx+

    • Everyone chose rx+ this time. you snatch it or clean & jerk ? I snatched all of them, but that might have slowed me down some.

      • Miller and I both did all snatch

        • We both did singles on the jump rope too.

  5. Rx+ 24:16

  6. Rx+ 23:45 jump ropes here are dog dodo with worms

    • Singles and c&j.

  7. 23:14 Rx+