February 11, 2021


Author: jereme

For time:

70 deadlift 95/65

20 push ups

60 shoulder to overhead 95/65

20 pushups

50 clean and jerk

50 burpees

Share your thoughts

  1. Rx – 20:58 – hell ya’

    • I’m callin for a piss test!

      • Ok, but it’s running down my leg after that one!

  2. 20:57 rx. Started burpees at 14:50

    Welch completed
    95 on dL, 65 everything else

  3. DNF. Got into the burpees and got a call. 26ish minutes

  4. Rx 19:01
    Highly, highly recommend scaling.

  5. Rx 27:25

  6. 23:28

  7. 24:20 Rx…18:49 burpee split…got lost in that one I think