April 9, 2021


Author: jereme

Amrap 15

6 deadlift 95/65

4 hang clean

2 shoulder to overhead

1 front squat

5 pull-ups.

Scaling: if you can’t get through the barbell complex without dropping the bar(easily), you should scale the weight.

This should be engine, not muscle failure. if you’re pausing to build strength prior to the s2oh, you’re missing the intended stimulus.

I’m not sure. But I feel like this should be 10 rounds.

Share your thoughts

  1. 15 rounds. Did it on a 1:30 EMOM clock

  2. 13 rx

  3. Rx – 14 + 1, engine failure, muscle failure and mental failure. That one got all of them for me. Lol!

  4. Rx 13+9 found no drive this morning and well push-ups!

    • This may have been the problem..it was pull ups not push ups! LOL!

      • Lol yes I did pull-ups

  5. 15 good form other than my pullups after round 5 😂

  6. Rx 14+ 9

  7. 15 rounds rx.
    Payed extra attention to form on the barbell. Super slow squat.
    Not strict pull-ups, but not Kipping either.

    5k rowing intervals before.