April 15, 2021
Author: jereme
Amrap 30
10 box overs 20” (Jump, step. I don’t care. Both feet touch the top)
20 trap bar deadlift 95/65 high handle
30 sit-ups
40 double under / 110 jump rope
Rx+ 135/95 on trap bar
Trap bar: just a deadlift. Hands should stay to your sides. Use the high bar grips. If something hurt that’s not your pride, stop.
says: - 129 comments - April 18, 2021rx 7 + 70
says: - 363 comments - April 17, 2021Rx+. 6+50
says: - 582 comments - April 17, 2021Rx+ 7+148
says: - 188 comments - April 16, 202120 minutes 5rds+28
Jereme Daniels
says: - 605 comments - April 16, 2021Rx 7 Rds 35 reps. Steady pace. Good form. Just doing the workout I need.
Jereme Daniels
says: - 605 comments - April 16, 2021Correction: 7rds 55reps. Not that it matters.
says: - 208 comments - April 16, 20216+10 reps 19 minutes…left for fire alarm
says: - 590 comments - April 16, 2021Rx – 8 + 30