May 29, 2020

6 oh 6

Author: jereme

Buy in (only do once) edit: ** please read the explanation at the end.

20 pull-ups

3 rounds

20 calories rowing

30 kb swings 53/35

40 sit-ups

Rest 2 min

Cash out 100 walking lunges.

Ok so here’s how it looks. Do 20 pull ups and immediately do round 1. Rest 2 min, round 2, (no pull-ups) , rest 2 min, round 3. Rest 2 minutes and do lunges. It’s a little complicated, but so are fires. Score total time.

Edit: ***** Trying to be as clear as possible.
Start timer
20 pull ups
20 cal
30 kbs
40 situps
20 cal
30 kbs
40 situps
20 cal
30 kbs
40 situps
100 Walking lunges.
end timer.

Share your thoughts

  1. Rx – 22:31

  2. 24:03

  3. 26:17. F*#^

  4. Rx 23:51

  5. Rx 19:45
    Round 1 – 4:06 (including the pull ups)
    Round 2 – 3:29
    Round 3 – 3:46
    Lunges 2:29

  6. 15:37 Rx

    • Scratch all of it…ha, misread and didn’t do the lunges