April 21, 2021


Author: jereme

Exercise to your ability. do not exceed that ability.

600 reps for time:

100 Russian kb swings 53/35

50 sit-ups

100 walking lunges

50 sit-ups

100 pushups

50 sit-ups

100 squats

50 sit-ups

Sit-ups: shoulders touch the ground, shoulders pass the hips. That is the easiest place to cheat. Don’t

Share your thoughts

  1. 28:24. No I didn’t take a nap

  2. Rx – 26:53

  3. 31:37 sets of 5 on push-ups

  4. Rx- completed
    Timer cap was set at 30 minutes and I went past that.

  5. Rx 23:56.
    Just did what I needed to do for a good workout and the ability to walk tomorrow.
    Lunges and squats were incredibly slow and as perfect as I can perform them.

  6. 24:13 I hate sit ups

    • They hate you.

  7. Rex 24:03

  8. Amy
    Did half of each and didn’t time it