May 3, 2021


Author: jereme

Not for time

5 sets of 5 reps

Trap / hex bar deadlift @ 80% of estimated 3 rep max.

Amrap 10m

Alternating minutes:

M1: hang snatch 95/65

M2: abmat sit-ups.

Score total reps.

You’ll end up doing 5 Rounds of each. No rest. Alternate on the minute.

Share your thoughts

  1. Rx- 186

  2. Rx 206

  3. Rx 210.

  4. 420lbs
    Rx 189 reps

    • Correction 410lbs. If our bar is 50lbs

  5. Done

  6. 315lb
    188 reps

    • 330lb I guess the bar is 60lb