May 18, 2021


Author: jereme

Part 1: max hang from the pull up bar. Very simple. Hang as long as possible and score your time.

Part 2:

Amrap 10m

10 hang clean 65/55

10 calories rowing.

Share your thoughts

  1. 1:30 8 rounds

  2. Wilson
    3:00 hang
    Rx 7rds+6

    1:57 hang
    Rx 6rds+13

  3. Little Brown
    Hang 2 min
    9rounds + 3 cal

    Hang 2:30
    9 rounds+8 cal

  4. Rx –
    1 min hang
    9 rds + 15 reps

  5. Misread only did the bar
    7 rounds

  6. Hang: 1:56. Pissed. Was too sweaty and just slipped off. mmm dirty.
    wod: rx 9 rounds 6 reps

    20m treadmill intervals in front.

  7. Done!

  8. 120sec

    Rx: 10 rounds + 3

  9. Hang min. Thirty
    Amrap 8 +10

  10. 1 min hang
    5.5 rounds rx65