May 21, 2021


Author: jereme


1: 12 burpees

2: 5 clean & jerk 135/95

3: 20 alternating reverse lunges

4: 5 pull-ups (strict)

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  1. 95# c&j

  2. Completed – Rx

  3. Done. Scaled C&J weight.

  4. done
    Snider and Edmisten

  5. Done. Scaled to trap bar DL. Didn’t need to press overhead.

    • I like how you wrote the work out and didn’t even do it right.

      • Me too. Since I don’t write them for me. And since “right” is the workout that you need, not everyone else.

  6. Done

  7. Done. Never went past the 30sec. Mark. #builtdifferent#crossfitislife#fireguy

    • I’d bet everything in my wallet that you went past 30 seconds doing burpees.
      #fullofshit #nope #boringwod #prettyboystories #coolstorybro #andthenifound20dollars

    • #viltrumite

  8. Done did