June 7, 2020


Author: jereme

Amrap 20

10 clean & jerk 135/96

10 burpees over the bar

10 cal rowing.

Rx+ 185/95. Look, only a few should + this. Not many more should rx. Please. Please don’t hesitate to scale. The intended stimulus is for you do do slow singles on the clean & jerk. If you can touch and go it’s too light.

Burpees. Chest to the floor, stand up, jump over the bar. That’s one.

Share your thoughts

  1. rx 4 rounds

  2. RX 4 plus 20

  3. Rx – 4 + 12

  4. 4+10

  5. 4+10 rx

  6. 4+19 155

  7. 4 rounds + 4 reps Rx+ 185

  8. 5+0, 155lb, don’t have 185 but still felt a good challenge