July 1, 2020


Author: jereme

For total time:


1: 10 burpees

2: 10/7 cal rowing

3: 5 power cleans rx 135/95.


3 rounds

10 burpees

10/7 calls rowing

5 power cleans

Score total time.

Start the metcon portion at min 18. So min 17 is your last working minute of the emom. Start the 3 rounds for time at min 18.

Rx + 12 burpees, 12/9 cal, power clean weight 155 +. 185 is ideal.

Share your thoughts

  1. Rx with 155

  2. Rx+ 25:09 @ 185lbs
    That one was tough.

  3. 23:52 Rx+ 155, starting at 18 min 5:32 for the metcon