July 25, 2020


Author: jereme


Notice a few changes to the site.

  • Most important is the “log in” button on the top of mobile menu. This is good for me, in that I won’t (shouldn’t) get eleventy five spam comments. It’s good for you because once you register and log in, you won’t have to type any of that out any more to post your scores. To register click log in and choose the register option. You’ll have to use a legit email to register. No one gets that except me.
  • The Code-wod logo will now take you to the home page
  • All-wods will take you to all the previous wods if you’re searching for something to redo.


20 double unders / 50 jump rope

15 push ups

10 Clean & jerk 95/65

Rx+ 135/95

Share your thoughts

  1. 5 + 25 Rx

  2. Rx
    4 rds +54

  3. Rx. 4+68

  4. Participated. Clean and jerk probably wasn’t a good idea after DT. Still sore. Started off at 135, did 4 reps and stripped weight to 95. I finished, but just to move.