July 14, 2021


Author: jereme

👍 to those who did 623. If you can’t grind for 15 minutes……? I dunno. super impressed with those who cowboyed up.

For time:

75 hang snatch 65/45

Penalty for dropping the bar: 3 pull ups. Strict.

If the plates touch the ground, do the pull ups.

Hang snatch: starts off on the ground. Goes from hips to locked out over head in one moment. Not clean & jerk. That’s two. Wide grip. As wide as you can go with a full grip.

Share your thoughts

  1. Rx 4:25 no pull-ups

  2. Welch Rx 4:44
    3 pull-ups

  3. Rx

    • No pullups

  4. 5:52. Dropped the bath one time

    • Oh I think it was more than one bath!

    • I thought something smelled funny.

  5. 🥧 pie. 3.14 rx. No pull ups.

  6. For Jacob Burleson

    Rx – 6:43 – NO pull ups required!

  7. Rx – 4:33 – 9 pull ups requied