August 1, 2021


Author: jereme

EMOM 30 or more…

Min 1: 1 barbell clean and jerk (see notes for weight)
Min 2: 50 double unders / 150 jump rope
Min 3: Rest / load weight

clean & jerk weight: start roughly 100 lbs below what you believe you can safely hit for 1 rep.
Each minute add 10lbs.
****If you fail a rep and are unable to complete the rep at that weight within the minute, substitute 10 clean and jerks at 95/65 the next set and those forward until 30m/10 rounds of each.
**If you reach 30m and and feel good, keep going.

Score (if you choose) your final clean and jerk weight and the number of rounds it took to get there.


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  1. Rx 30 minutes

  2. Rx 51 minutes
    225 final weight.

  3. Rx 175.
    Tried to squat clean from the start. Not smart.

    20m treadmill intervals before.

  4. Rx for 33 minutes, singles. Ended with 145. Went lighter due to muscle pull from last week. Good little burner!

  5. Made it to 125. Done that twice and done one set of 10 at 95lb.
    150 jump rope.

  6. RX. Ended with 145