August 5, 2022
Author: jereme
For total reps:
Amrap 2m:
10 squat (body weight)
10 push-ups
Rest 1m
Amrap 2m
10 push-ups
10 trap bar deadlift 145/105
Rest 1m
Amrap 2m
10 trap bar deadlift
50 jump rope/ 20 double unders
Rest 1m
Amrap 2m
50 jump rope/ 20 double unders
10 kb swings 53/35
says: - 138 comments - August 9, 2022Rx 430 singles
says: - 139 comments - August 6, 2022Rx 392 singles
Jereme Daniels
says: - 605 comments - August 5, 2022Rx double unders 310 reps. If it were singles, it would have been 430 for reference.
All squats to depth & hips locked out at the top.
rowing intervals up front, 3×5 trap bar deadlift Superset with pull ups and trx press.
Tyler McNeil
says: - 82 comments - August 5, 2022274 reps 125lbs dl 53lb kb
Tyler McNeil
says: - 82 comments - August 5, 2022Singles
says: - 582 comments - August 5, 2022Morgan 413
Substituted jump rope for hops
says: - 590 comments - August 5, 2022Rx – singles – 101 + 71 +130 + 150 = 452
says: - 582 comments - August 5, 2022Rx 426