September 18, 2021


Author: jereme


Minute 1: 7 toes to bar

Minute 2: 30 double under / 70 jump rope

Minute 3: amrap 20 seconds clean & jerk 95/65

Score total clean & jerk reps.

Toes to bar: hanging from pull up bar, either being strict, or using a kipping motion touch both toes to the bar. Scaling, would be raising your knees as high as possible or at least at 90°.

Clean & jerk : all reps must be completed by the 20 second mark. Begin at the very first of the minute, do as many reps as possible that you can complete before 20 seconds. If you can’t do at least five reps unbroken with the prescribed weight, scale the weight.

Share your thoughts

  1. Rx 64

  2. Rx – swinging like a spastic monkey! 74 reps – 8,8,8,8,7,7,7,7,7,7

  3. Rx 9,9,10,10,10,10,9,9,8,6
    90 reps. Ran completely out of gas.

  4. Rx swinging on toe to bar, singles, 98 reps