October 28, 2021

656 – Workout 510 repeat

Author: jereme

AMRAP 15 minutes

50 situps
10 burpees
50 shoulder to overhead 
(right arm, 35lb/little red kb)
10 burpees
50 left arm S2OH
10 burpees
50 hang clean and jerk 95/65 
10 burpees

  • Situps: Touch the floor behind you, and touch your toes.  IF YOUR SHOULDERS are still not past your hips, then you’re cheating.  Shoulders past the hips. 
  • Shoulder to overhead is with the 35 or little red.  Choose a weight that is manageable. If you can’t do 10 unbroken, scale this. Remember, the KB front rack is NOT on top of the shoulder.  Fist under your chin, elbow tucked. (do not divide reps between arms.  Right side, burpees then left side) if it’s on your shoulder it’s completely wrong.
  • Hang clean and jerk: The barbell does not go below the knees.  Locked out at the top, head between the elbows. 

See https://www.code-wod.com/workout-510/ for previous scores

Share your thoughts

  1. Rx 224

  2. 1 round 75 reps Rx 315

  3. 1 round. Scalers clean and jerks to 65#

  4. Rx 228

  5. Ran out of time
    Scaled C&J to 65
    Completed 1 round

  6. Rx 1 round 45 reps / 285

  7. Rx 206

  8. Scaled hang c&j to 65 – 1 round