December 24, 2021

674 12 days of christmas

Author: jereme

1: 150m row
2: Pull ups
3: Hang snatch 95/65
4: Shoulder to overhead 95/65
5: Hang Clean 95/65
6: Deadlift
7: Burpees
8: Box Overs 24/20″
9: goblet squats 53/35
1`0: Alternating reverse lunge + 53/35
11: Kb swings 53/35
12: per side kb hang snatch 53/35

This is LONG. If you’re not down for a 45 minute workout, stop at 10.

Here’s how it works:
Round 1: row
Round 2: pull ups, row
Round 3: Snatch, pull up, row
Round 4: S2OH, snatch, pull up, row…..

and so on. Reps are static, you simply add one more exercise until you go from 12-1. Enjoy

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  1. 36:16 Rx

  2. Rx – 36:40

  3. Rx 30:38