January 7, 2023


Author: jereme

Amrap 10m

10 shoulder to overhead 95/65

10 burpee box over 20”

Burpee box over: chest and quads touch the ground, stand up, jump/step over the box. That’s one. Both feet must touch the top of the box.

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  1. 3 rounds + 12

  2. 4rds+12 reps. 95lbs

  3. Two WODs. 5+13

  4. Rx – 5 rounds

  5. Rx 4+11

  6. 2nd wod of the morning. Did 687 first.
    Rx 5rds + 12 reps. Shoulders smoked from 3,2,1,go.

  7. Rx 5+11