April 5, 2023
713 repeat of 499
Author: jereme
AMRAP 15 minutes
30 clean and jerk 65/45
20 push ups
30 clean and jerk 95/65
20 squats. (air squats)
30 clean and jerks 115/75
20 burpees
30 clean and jerks 135/95
20 pull ups
30 clean and jerks 155/125
says: - 590 comments - April 10, 2023Rx – 140 reps
says: - 590 comments - April 10, 2023Disregard! I totally screwed up the wod. The board downstairs looked like 70 instead of 20 squats.
I did 70 squats and finished the 115 lb.
I did 180 reps but NO burpees.
says: - 139 comments - April 8, 2023Rx 127 reps
says: - 81 comments - April 8, 2023127 reps
Patrick Garnier
says: - 95 comments - April 8, 2023Rx 129 reps
says: - 174 comments - April 7, 2023130 reps
Jereme Daniels
says: - 605 comments - April 6, 2023Rx 164 reps
14 reps @ 135
says: - 582 comments - April 6, 2023Tucker 124
says: - 176 comments - April 6, 20230 + 130
says: - 363 comments - April 6, 2023Messed up and do hang clean. Still got a good sweat in though. 150 reps
says: - 582 comments - April 6, 2023Rx 160
10 reps in on 135