August 25, 2023


Author: jereme

20 air squats
10 burpee
5 pull ups
20 alternating kb ground to overhead 53/35

Squats: Below parallel, stand all the way up. Hips and knees lock out. Most of you don’t go low enough and don’t come up all the way.

Ground to overhead: I don’t care how you get it there. Kb goes from the ground to locked out overhead.

Pull ups: Seems like this is self explanatory but apparently it’s not. Elbows must lock out at the bottom. Chin OVER the bar. Not your 5 head, not “ish”. Over. Or don’t say it’s Rx.

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  1. Attempt 2.
    Rx 4 rounds + 30 reps.
    Then wod 750, rx 16:37

  2. Rx – 4 rounds

  3. Tried. Couldn’t get enough time between calls. Gave up.

  4. 3+35