December 23, 2023


Author: jereme

12 days of Christmas cheer! ( 60 minute time cap )

1: Pull up
2: Toes to Bar
3: Shoulder to overhead 95/65
4: Hang clean 95/65
5: Deadlift 95/65
6: Box over 24″ (notice 24″ not 20″)
7: hang kb snatch 35/little red(per side)
8: Burpees
9: Push up
10: Calories rowing
11: Goblet squat 53/35
12: Hang kb clean & jerk 53/35 (per side)

Here’s how it works. Don’t over complicate it.
The sequence goes like this (rounds separated by comas):1, 21, 321, 4321, 5431……..

So round 1 is a pull up. Rd 2 is 2 toes to bar, 1 pull up. Rd 3 is 3 shoulder to overhead, 2 toes to bar, 1 pull up. Each round you start 1 number/exercise higher. You’re finished when you’ve started with hang kb clean & jerk and finished with a pull up.

Toes to bar: Hang from the bar. However you can, touch both toes at the same time to the bar.

Goblet squat: hold the kb at chest height.

Everything else is the usual suspects.

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  1. Rx – 28:01

  2. Rx 29:55

  3. Complete

  4. 27:12

  5. Rx 22:59

  6. Rx 26min