April 9, 2024


Author: jereme

for time:
1000m row
50 abmat situps
40 box over 20″
30 push ups
20 abmat situps
10 (rounds of)
-[ 4 deadlift, 3 hang clean, 2 shoulder to overehead ] 65/45
5 strict pull ups


Share your thoughts

  1. Did. 95lb dl/hc/s2oh.

  2. 13:29

  3. Rx+ 95

  4. Completed

  5. Rx completed

  6. Rx 14:49 other than the pull up had to kipp

  7. Rx – 12:56

    • Enjoyed the variety in the WOD! Thanks JD!

  8. RX 15:29

  9. Rx 11:55

  10. 14:56 w/95