May 3, 2024


Author: jereme

Death by:

Hang clean & jerk 95/65

Rest 3 minutes

Death by burpees

Score total reps for both DB

Death by :

1 Rep the first minute. 2 reps the second. 3/3rd, …… 10 reps on 10th. Continue until you can’t compete the reps in the minute.

Share your thoughts

  1. Rx
    13 rounds

  2. Scaled 65lb. 14rds
    12rds burp

  3. RX

    14 rounds


  4. Rx –

    144 total

  5. Rx 9 rounds
    12 rounds

  6. Rx 11+7
    Rx 11+10

  7. Rx
    12 minutes + 9 reps = 87 reps

    Rx 16 minutes + 9 reps = 145 reps

    Rx 232 reps total.

  8. Part 1: 12 rds

    • Part 2: 14 rds