August 7, 2022


Author: jereme

For time:

30 clean & jerk 95/65

Short and fast. Clean reps keep it safe functional. Bar goes from the ground to the front rack position and then to locked out over head. Knees, hips, shoulders, elbows(locked beside your ears), bar all in a line. Straight up and down.

Share your thoughts

  1. Rx 1:35

  2. Rx 3:40

  3. rx 2:06

    • Little Brown and I did this WOD together this morning. He was a machine! I was surprised when his time wasn’t closer to Jereme’s. Well done!

  4. Rx – 2:22

  5. Rx 1:49

    Intended unbroken. Went 21/9

  6. Reed Rx 3:51

  7. Rx 2:11