May 23, 2019

wod 496

Author: jereme

Minute 1: 30 Double Unders or 90 jump rope
Minute 2: 10/8 calories rowing
Minute 3: 45 Seconds Plank on elbows


Minute 3 = 20 seconds max reps clean and jerk 95/65
For information what “EMOM” means see ACRONYMS

The Rx version is fairly light due to tomorrow being the annual “Murph” challenge. For myself and others who’re participating, it’s best for us to move but not crush ourself. If you’re not doing Murph on Saturday, I encourage you to do the Rx+ version.

For information on the Murph Challenge, please visit

FYI, if you’ve ever seen the movie “Lone Survivor”, then you’re familiar with Michael Murphy.

Share your thoughts

  1. Done

  2. Just did Rx.

  3. RX+ Good luck with Murph tomorrow! Thanks for honoring a awesome Person/Warrior/Man!