June 13, 2019

Workout Five Oh 3

Author: jereme

AMRAP 20 minutes
1 Deadlift 135/95
1 Push Up
2 Deadlift 135/95
2 Push ups
3 DL
3 Push ups……
6…. Until time runs out.

Score total reps. For example, if you complete round 10 it’s 110 reps.
Push ups will certainly be the limiting factor for most of us. 20 minutes is a long time to do both of these movements, don’t come out super hard. It won’t pay off. Pick a pace you’re able to hold. Steady pace wins this race.

Please! Please!  Pay attention to your deadlift form.  

  • IF your back hurts: STOP
  • IF you can’t do 10 reps unbroken with this weight, reduce weight and continue.  You can even pause the timer while you reduce weight.  There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. 
  • If anything else isn’t right, just stop or change it. 

This lady does push ups better than every one of us.  

  • Keep your head neutral. 
    • if you’re looking up
    • or if you’re looking down
    • -YOU’RE fucking up
  • Put your butt just a bit higher than you think you should. 
  • Your quads (that’s the top of your legs for those who can’t EMT) should NOT touch the ground. 
  • Your GUT should only touch the ground if it’s big. (I’m being serious, if your chest is smaller than your stomach, then your stomach will touch.)
    • On that note, lets work on that…

Share your thoughts

  1. Completed 16

  2. 18 rounds+2. 344

  3. 18rds +12 354 reps

  4. 330 reps 6 push ups in the round of 18

  5. 420 reps. Finished round of 20.

    Never broke form on either movement. Never did more than 5 pushups at once.

  6. 17 rds = 306 reps @Rx

  7. Amy
    Dropped to pushups from the knees for the last 2 rounds

    • Or if I could do math – 243