December 25, 2019

563 kill the cookies

Author: jereme

First off, I’m impressed with the the amount of people doing the workouts lately. I’m extremely happy with how many people attempted the last WOD. Attempted or participated is fantastic. It wasn’t designed to be easily completed.

2 part wod.
Part 1
Death by: (1 rep minute 1, 2 reps minute 2, 3.., 4.. 5.. until you can’t complete the reps in the minute time frame.)

Power clean.
level 1: 95/65 lbs
level 2: 135/95 lbs
level 3: 155/115 lbs
level come at me bro: 185/135

Rest 3 minutes between wods

Part 2
200 tire sledge swings for time.
max effort tire hits with the sledge. I’d probably grab some gloves. Don’t be an idiot, careful it doesn’t bounce back into your melon.
Time Cap: 15 minutes. In the event you don’t finish, score reps.

Score both parts. Or one part if that’s all you did. Don’t be concerned with scaling either. Don’t be concerned with your “level”. The correct level for your is the level at witch you’re SAFE and can score at least 40 reps. The tire swings, well….. just don’t suck.

Share your thoughts

  1. Part 1:
    135 lbs – 55reps

    Part 2:

    Probably shouldn’t have done this on the day I had planned to run a chainsaw! Lol!

  2. Part 1:

    Lvl 1. 78 reps. Probably should have gone heavier.

    Part 2: 6:50

  3. Part 1
    Level 3 9 rounds +4 (49 reps)
    Part 2

  4. 36 reps @ 185. Should have gone lighter. Form broke down.
    6:16 rx on tire swings.