January 15, 2020


Author: jereme

AMRAP 15 – rx= completed wearing a 45# vest

Buy in: accumulate 2 minutes hanging from a pull-up bar



15 squats

10 push-ups (hands on 45# bumpers)

5 knees to elbows

Buy in is only done once. It’s 2 minutes hanging total. If you drop after a minute, you must complete another minute. Timer doesn’t stop. So it may take you 4 minutes to accumulate 2 minutes. I suggest dropping at easy to calculate intervals. Ie 30s 60s…

Pushups on plates: Hands are on plates. Chest(vest) touches the floor in between the plates. Don’t cheat. Full lock out. Chest to the ground. Hips up, core locked.

Knees to elbows: hanging from a pull-up bar, exactly what it says. Knees come up to your elbows. Not close. Not below. Not in your in your imagination. Knees. To. Elbows.

Do not hesitate to scale ALL or any. If you’re not great at pull-ups, you might consider backing the hang down to a minute.

Share your thoughts

  1. rx 5 rounds 15

  2. 5 rounds. But my pushups were crap after the first round.

  3. 5 rounds 18

  4. 5 rounds 3 reps – used 18 inch box on knee ups

  5. Rx 4+20

  6. 4 rounds + 15

  7. Rx 4+19

  8. Rx 6 rounds 5 reps

    2×1 minute hangs. Knees to elbows were a good bit harder than expected.

    Squats were very slow and controlled. Knee doesn’t move fast.

  9. 3+25