March 9, 2020

Wod 580

Author: jereme

30 alternating KB clean and jerk. 53/35
15 goblet squats 53/35

KB clean and jerk: KB comes from the ground on each rep. Must be “cleaned” to the front rack position. This is NOT on the shoulder. Fist under your chin, elbow down with the KB resting in your elbow. Now lock out over head. Use the lower body, don’t just press it. You can, but it’s gunna suck that much more. The rep is finished with the kb overhead, elbow locked, hips locked.. Your body should be “stacked”. Meaning the kb is not out front or to the side.

KB goblet squat: Hold the kb with both hands at chest level. Beyond that I don’t care. Squat to parallel or bellow. Lock out at the top. I see so many squats that don’t get locked out. Hips lock out.

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  1. 5+22 – scaled weight to 35lb. Nursing pissed off left elbow. I think it’s really pissed now!

  2. 4+8 rx

  3. 1st rd @ 53lb- form went to shit. Dropped to 35lb
    4rd +19

  4. 4+16 at 35

  5. 5+23 rx