October 8, 2020


Author: jereme

Amrap 20 min

10 box over 24/20

15 hang snatch 65/45

20 squats (no weight)

25 sit-ups

Box over: both feet must touch the top of the box. No lockout needed.

Hang snatch: bar does not go below the knees.

Squats: crease of the hips below the top of the knee. MORE important, lock out. Do not short out the rep.

Sit-ups: shoulders must come past the crease of the hips.

Score rounds and reps.

Share your thoughts

  1. 5 rounds rx

  2. rx 6+20

  3. Rx 6+56

    • 14 rep fail.. nice.

  4. Rx 7rds

    • A challenger steps up….

      • Avery county math wins again.
        That would be 14 reps

  5. 7rds. Rx

  6. 6 +13

  7. 6+16

  8. Rx – 6rds + 33 reps – I liked the different movements in this one!