October 14, 2020


Author: jereme

Please read the note at the end.


Clean & jerk 155/105

At min 0(to start the wod), min 5, and min 10 run 400m.

Rx + 185/135

*please do not exceed your capabilities. You should be able to touch and go at least 2 reps with the weight. This is intended to be a workout that few will Rx. Don’t worry about rx. Choose a weight that you can get some reps in and a workout. It should be heavy, but not so heavy that your score is 5.

Share your thoughts

  1. Rx – 26 reps – 155 is really heavy for me and my poor form, but hey…at least I went for it!

  2. Rx 40

  3. Rx+ 25.
    Fairly pleased with that. Considering how slow my old, arthritic runs were. Also haven’t gone that heavy in a metcon in quite a while.

  4. 37

  5. 52 @ 155…not Rx because I can’t follow directions. Didn’t run to start the wod, I only ran at 5 min and 10 min…still pleased with result. Did a Grace in the first 5 min