January 18, 2021


Author: jereme

For time:

From 20 to 2 reps. Subtract 2 per round

Kb hang snatch (split evenly per side ie 10/10) 35/little red

Alternating reverse lunge 35/little red. Hold in front rack.

Box over 20”

So round 1 is 20 reps of each, round 2 is 18, 16……6,4,2

Lunge: front rack means fist under chin, elbow tucked, kb resting in your elbow. NOT on your shoulder.

Box over: both feet must touch the top of the box.

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  1. For Jacob Burleson

    Rx – 20:15

    • Atta boy Burleson.

    • You were awesome Jacob! Great work!

  2. Rx – 15:15

  3. rx lost track of time around 15

  4. Rx 14:44

  5. Rx 13:24

  6. 12:09 Rx

  7. 12:39 Rx