January 21, 2021


Author: jereme

Amrap 20 minutes

30 clean & jerk 95/65

30 cal row

30 bar facing burpees

Rx + 135/95.

Bar facing burpee: body must be perpendicular to the bar (ie bar facing), chest and thighs to the ground, jump up, jump over the bar. That’s one. Repeat. They suck. A lot.

Share your thoughts

  1. 1rnd + 41 at 85 lbs

    • Nice! Rode 21 jumps today. We should ride soon.

  2. 1 round plus 86
    Started off with 65lbs but had to drop back to just the bar

  3. Rx+

  4. Rx+ 2 rounds

  5. Rx + 2 rounds and 8 reps of DEATH

    • Yes ☠️

  6. 1+56 Rx

  7. 2+5 Rx+…Jereme can put his score in safely now that he knows he won

  8. Rx – 2 rds + 8

  9. 1+56 135