January 27, 2021


Author: jereme

For time

50 hang snatch 65/45

40 sit-ups

30 push up

20 sit-ups

10 pull ups

Score time

Extra credit: not scored unless you want to, 20 minutes rowing. T

Share your thoughts

  1. 6:20 jog for 20 min. around 2.25 miles

  2. Rx 6:51. Rough

  3. Rx 5:32

  4. 5:30

  5. Rx – 5:46 – exercise bike @ 21 mph average.

  6. 5:31 muscle cleans, standard sit-ups. 3890m

  7. Rx 4:18
    20 min exercise bike instead of rower.

  8. 9:04

  9. 5:29 Rx did 10 minutes of rowing into the wind..2600m…that’s all I had the mind for