September 12, 2021

642 2 workouts.

Author: jereme

2 wods.

Wod 1:

For time:

10 rounds

5 pull ups

10 kb swings 53/35

15 sit-ups

Wod 2: not for the weak.

9/11 wod.

For time:

343 burpees.

No need to explain the number. Last time I did this it took 32 minutes.

Share your thoughts

  1. WOD 1 – Rx 15:45

  2. WOD 1) 18:20 rxish… did Russian KBS for first two rounds whoops.

    WOD 2) 54:33

  3. Wod1 14:41

  4. Wod1. Rx 16:07

    Gonna hopefully try wod2 this afternoon.

    • Syke. Went ahead and did it. In a blazing 62:43

  5. 1. 15 flat

    2. 56 min

  6. Rx 1. 15:48
    2. 45.25

  7. Wod 1: 12:19
    Wod 2: 28:10 Over 2 minute PR from 2018

    • Over 4 minute PR actually

      • Hell yeah