July 2, 2024


Posted by jereme

5 rounds of10 cal row15 barbell hang snatch 65/45

June 29, 2024


Posted by jereme

Amrap 15 Buy in: 40 kb alternating ground to overhead 53/35 (only do once) Then: rounds of 10 burpee 20…

June 27, 2024


Posted by jereme

3 Rounds for time:30 calorie row20 hang clean & jerk 65/4510 alternating reverse lunges 53/35 *lunges- Hold weight however you…

June 24, 2024


Posted by jereme

Amrap 20 5 pull-ups 10 burpees box over 20” 15 push up 20 sit-up

June 21, 2024


Posted by jereme

For time:100 abmat situps100 kb swings 53/35100 walking lunges (no weight)

June 16, 2024


Posted by jereme

AMRAP 1010 goblet squat 53/3550 jump rope

June 14, 2024


Posted by jereme

5 Rounds for time:500m Row10 right side kb ground to overhead 53/3510 left side kb ground to overhead5 pullups

June 11, 2024


Posted by jereme

With a partner:AMRAP 15 minutes-20 Deadlift 65 pounds-15 Hang snatch 65-10 Burpee Score total combine rounds and reps. Alternate exercises.…

June 9, 2024


Posted by jereme

3 Rounds for time: 5 pull ups 10 clean & jerk 135/95 15 push-ups  20 kb swing 53/35 25 abmat…

June 7, 2024


Posted by jereme

Amrap 12 20 burpee box over 20” 20 hang snatch 65/45 Burpee box over: chest and quads to the floor,…