June 20, 2023


Posted by jereme

For time: 1000m row 100 box over 20” 100 kb swings 53/35 100 ab mat sit-up Box over: both feet…

June 15, 2023


Posted by jereme

AMRAP 12m30 kb hang snatch 35/little red (divide evenly between sides as you need)20 push ups15 abmat situps

June 12, 2023


Posted by jereme

6 Rounds for time: 10 clean & jerk 95/6515 calories rowing

June 7, 2023


Posted by jereme

Amrap 20m 20 cal row 20 barbell hang snatch 65/45 20 ab mat sit-up 20 kb ground to overhead 53/35…

June 2, 2023


Posted by jereme

Count up: (1 rep to 10) with a “buy in” and “cash out” “Buy in” (only do 1 time!)-50 push…

May 30, 2023


Posted by jereme

Amrap 15 5 per side kb shoulder to overhead. 53/35 10 burpees 15 deadlift (straight barbell) 135/95 20 abmat sit-up

May 27, 2023


Posted by jereme

4 rounds 500m row 25 push ups 20 kb hang snatch (10/per side) 35/little red

May 22, 2023


Posted by jereme

10 rounds for time 5 clean & jerk 95/65 5 burpees Rx+ 135/95

May 17, 2023


Posted by jereme

AMRAP 2M10/double unders or 30 Jump rope10 Push ups Rest 1M AMRAP 2M10 Push ups20 air squats Rest 1M AMRAP…

May 13, 2023


Posted by jereme

AMRAP 122 rounds of DT @ 95lbs (12 Deadlift, 9 hang clean, 6 shoulder to overhead)5 pull ups Just to…