April 1, 2023


Posted by jereme

10 Rounds For time 10/s kb hang snatch 35/little red 10 push-ups

March 28, 2023


Posted by jereme

AMRAP 15m10 hang snatch 95/65 15 abmat situps10 shoulder to overhead 95/655 Pull ups *hang snatch: Bar does not go…

March 23, 2023


Posted by jereme

For time 100 kb swings 53/35 50 sit-ups 100 (50/s) kb hang snatch 35/little red -divide however. 50 sit-ups 50…

March 20, 2023


Posted by jereme

AMRAP 20m Buy in: (only do this ONCE. Not part of the amrap)75 burpeesThen as many reps as possible of:5…

March 16, 2023


Posted by jereme

For time:100 alternating reverse lunges50 kb swings 53/35150 jump rope75 abmat situps

March 11, 2023


Posted by jereme

Amrap 12 15 box over 20” 15 per side kb hang snatch 35/little red 15 per side kb shoulder to…

March 8, 2023


Posted by jereme

Amrap 10m (half Cindy) 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 squats

March 4, 2023


Posted by jereme

AMRAP 20mBuy in: (only do this once)-2000m RowThen rounds of:15 hang snatch 65/4510 Burpees over the barbell5 pull ups *Burpees…

March 2, 2023


Posted by jereme

5 Rounds For time 5 clean & jerk 135/95 10 push-ups 15 abmat sit-ups

February 27, 2023


Posted by jereme

AMRAP 15m 15 barbell hang snatch 65/4515 burpees *hang snatch: Barbell does not go below the knees between reps. Bar…