August 28, 2022


Posted by jereme

Amrap 15 15 snatch 65/45 15 push-ups 15 sit-ups -for 45lb snatch, bar just needs to go below the knees.

August 18, 2022


Posted by jereme

For time: Buy in: 2000m row 3 Rounds 20 sit-ups 20 deadlift 135/95

August 15, 2022


Posted by jereme

Amrap 12 12 shoulder to overhead 65/45 6 burpees over the bar Burpees over the bar: 2 foot take off…

August 13, 2022


Posted by jereme

3 Rounds For time: 20 kb alternating ground to overhead 53/35 20 push-ups Ground to overhead: can be clean &…

August 9, 2022


Posted by jereme

Amrap 15 21 calorie row 15 abmat sit-ups 9 hang snatch 95/65

August 7, 2022


Posted by jereme

For time: 30 clean & jerk 95/65 Short and fast. Clean reps keep it safe functional. Bar goes from the…

August 5, 2022


Posted by jereme

For total reps: Amrap 2m: 10 squat (body weight) 10 push-ups Rest 1m Amrap 2m 10 push-ups 10 trap bar…

August 2, 2022


Posted by jereme

10 Rounds for time: 5 clean & jerk 95/65 10 burpees 15 sit-ups

July 28, 2022


Posted by jereme

Amrap 12 10 Right arm Russian kb swing 35, little red 10 right arm push press 10 right arm snatch…

July 25, 2022


Posted by jereme

Amrap 10 5 hang clean 95/65 7 shoulder to overhead 30 double unders/ 70 jump rope