June 8, 2022

For time:

Posted by jereme

5 Rounds for time 20 alternating kb ground to overhead 53/35 25 push-ups 30 sit-ups Ground to overhead: kb goes…

June 5, 2022


Posted by jereme

Death by clean & jerk 95/65 Death by = minute 1, 1 rep. Minute 2, 2 reps M3,3 M4…….. Continue…

June 3, 2022


Posted by jereme

Emom 24 1: 5 front squat- choose weight 2: 5 pull ups + 12 push-ups 3: 10 per side kb…

May 30, 2022


Posted by jereme

Amrap 20 5 clean & jerk 95/65 10 calories rowing

May 26, 2022


Posted by jereme

For time: 3 Rounds 750m row 50 sit-ups 25 snatch 65/45 10 pull up

May 22, 2022


Posted by jereme

Amrap 12 10 push-ups 10 American kb swings 53/35 American swings: kb locked out over your head. Locked out. Repeat,…

May 18, 2022


Posted by jereme

Reverse light DT For time: 5 rounds 6 shoulder to overhead 95/65 9 hang power clean 12 deadlift Then 1500m…

May 12, 2022


Posted by jereme

Amrap 10 Buy in: 30 burpees Russian kb swings 53/35 Score total kb swings. This is entirely mental. You absolutely…

May 10, 2022


Posted by jereme

Amrap 12 minutes 5 trap bar deadlift 135/95 10 push-ups 15 abmat sit-ups 30 double under / 75 jump rope…

May 5, 2022


Posted by jereme

5 Rounds for time: 5 pull ups 20 shoulder to overhead 65/45 15 push ups 20 hang clean