September 15, 2021


Posted by jereme

First, Iā€™m floored by how many did the burpees. Seriously impressed and proud to work along side you. Amrap 10:…

September 12, 2021

642 2 workouts.

Posted by jereme

2 wods. Wod 1: For time: 10 rounds 5 pull ups 10 kb swings 53/35 15 sit-ups Wod 2: not…

September 9, 2021

641 pack prep

Posted by jereme

For time:150 alternating box step ups + 45lb weight vest. 20″ box**Every Minute on the minute: 5 push ups. Time…

September 6, 2021


Posted by jereme

AMRAP 20m1 Burpee1 clean & jerk 135/95Increase reps by 1 rep each round. 1 each, 2 each, 3……… death. If…

August 31, 2021

Maxey abandons ship

Posted by jereme

8 rounds for time 11 wallball shots 20/14 10ā€™/9ā€™ 12 box jumps 24/20 Cash out (only after the last round)…

August 28, 2021


Posted by jereme

For time: 1000m row 90 squats -no weight 80 sit-ups 70 pushups 60 Russian kb swings 53/35 50 sit-ups

August 25, 2021


Posted by jereme

Amrap 15 50 deadlift 65/45 50 hang clean 50 shoulder to overhead *edited to lower weight.

August 22, 2021


Posted by jereme

Buy in: 50 sit-ups (do only once) Count down from 10 reps: Burpees Kb hang snatch per side 35/little red…

August 20, 2021


Posted by jereme

Amrap 12 12 alternating kb box step up 53/35 20ā€ box 30 sit-ups 12 kb ground to overhead 53/35 (double…

August 17, 2021


Posted by jereme

10 rounds for time: 10 hang snatch 95/65 10 burpees Hang snatch: weight goes from above the knees to locked…