July 11, 2021

623. Did 2 621s.

Posted by jereme

For time: 100 burpees 200 Russian kb swings 53 Time guess: 15m? I dunno. It’s suck no matter how long.…

July 8, 2021


Posted by jereme

Amrap 125 power cleans 135/9510 cal rowing

July 5, 2021


Posted by jereme

621 For time:50 overhead reverse lunges 45/25 lb plate50 burpees over the plate50 plate ground to overhead Overhead reverse lunge:…

June 29, 2021


Posted by jereme

For time: 50 front squats 95/65 100 jump rope 25 front squats 100 sit-ups -——————— Accumulate 10 minutes in a…

June 26, 2021

Amrap 12

Posted by jereme

12 wallball 20/14 12 calories rowing Info upfront: I won’t be doing this one. Cracked/broken/bruised ribs

June 23, 2021


Posted by jereme

5 sets X 5 reps trap bar deadlift Superset X 5 – minimal rest, if any. 1: max strict pull-ups…

June 20, 2021


Posted by jereme

For time: 500m row 50 push ups 50 sit-ups 50 kb swings 53 300m row 30 push ups 30 sit-ups…

June 18, 2021


Posted by jereme

Amrap 12 12 deadlift 95/65 9 hang clean 6 shoulder to overhead

June 14, 2021


Posted by jereme

10 Box overs 24/2020 burpees30 alt. box step ups 53/35# 20”400m run50 jump rope. all singles. No doubles. 60 sit-ups50…

June 11, 2021


Posted by jereme

400m of trap bar carries. Amrap 15 20 hang snatch 65/45 20 abmat sit-ups