June 8, 2021


Posted by jereme

For time: 2000m row 100 alternating reverse lunges to overhead press 65lbs/45lbs 50 burpees Lunges are from a front rack…

June 2, 2021


Posted by jereme

Amrap 15 10 push ups 10 squats 20 sit-ups 20 burpees 30 /s kb hang snatch 35/little red.

May 30, 2021

Six ten

Posted by jereme

For time: 100 overhead reverse lunges. 45lb bar * on the minute- starting at 1: 10 abmat sit-ups. Overhead lunges:…

May 27, 2021


Posted by jereme

Repeat wod 465 with mods. Amrap 20 1000m row 50 ground to overhead 95/65

May 24, 2021


Posted by jereme

Not for time. 200m of carries. I’ll be using the trap bar. Split up however you choose. Just pick up…

May 21, 2021


Posted by jereme

EMOM 24 1: 12 burpees 2: 5 clean & jerk 135/95 3: 20 alternating reverse lunges 4: 5 pull-ups (strict)

May 18, 2021


Posted by jereme

Part 1: max hang from the pull up bar. Very simple. Hang as long as possible and score your time.…

May 15, 2021


Posted by jereme

Amrap 4 rounds 1 min sit-ups 1 min alternating reverse lunges 1 min kb shoulder to overhead 35/little red 1…

May 12, 2021

Not for time

Posted by jereme

Superset bench press & goblet squat 3 Supersets, 10 press, 15 squats. For time: 4 rounds 15 wallball 20/14 15…

May 9, 2021


Posted by jereme

Amrap 15 50 cal rowing 50 double unders or 120 jump rope 50 barbell shoulder to overhead 65/45