March 1, 2021


Posted by jereme

Amrap 2 minutes Alternating reverse lunges – body weight Amrap 2 Push ups Amrap 2 Hang snatch 65/45 Amrap 2…

February 26, 2021

Five Eight Two

Posted by jereme

For time: 200 double unders / 500 Jump Rope100 burpees200 squats100 situps50 power cleans 95/6550 shoulder to overhead 95/65 Time…

February 24, 2021


Posted by jereme

For time: 50 box step ups + 53/35 20” 50 ab mat sit-ups 50 kb ground to overhead 53/35 alternating…

February 20, 2021


Posted by jereme

For time 50 thrusters 65/45 50 push ups 50 kb swings 53/35 Thrusters: full front squat to over head press

February 18, 2021


Posted by jereme

Amrap 10 10 burpees 10 kb hang snatch per side 35/little red

February 14, 2021


Posted by jereme

EMOM 24 1: clean & jerk x 3 185ish. 2: 15/12 cal rowing 3: 50 double unders or 120 jump…

February 11, 2021


Posted by jereme

For time: 70 deadlift 95/65 20 push ups 60 shoulder to overhead 95/65 20 pushups 50 clean and jerk 50…

February 8, 2021


Posted by jereme

AMRAP 15 20 kb swings 53/35 30 sit-ups 40 double unders or 90 jump rope

February 5, 2021


Posted by jereme

For time 10-1 reps of Deadlift Front squat Shoulder to over head Burpee over the bar. First round, 10 reps…

February 2, 2021

574 false alarm

Posted by jereme

Edit: just realized this is two in a row with hang snatch. It’ll be alright. Amrap 20 5 pull-ups 10…