January 27, 2021


Posted by jereme

For time 50 hang snatch 65/45 40 sit-ups 30 push up 20 sit-ups 10 pull ups Score time Extra credit:…

January 24, 2021


Posted by jereme

EMOM 30 1: strict pull-ups 2: push ups 3: you choose Wods have been crushing lately. You choose. Choose reps…

January 21, 2021


Posted by jereme

Amrap 20 minutes 30 clean & jerk 95/65 30 cal row 30 bar facing burpees Rx + 135/95. Bar facing…

January 18, 2021


Posted by jereme

For time: From 20 to 2 reps. Subtract 2 per round Kb hang snatch (split evenly per side ie 10/10)…

January 15, 2021


Posted by jereme

AMRAP 15 5 pull ups 10 front squats 65/45 15 hang snatch 65/45 20 sit-ups.

January 12, 2021


Posted by jereme

EMOM 25 Minute 1: row 15/10 calories Minute 2: 40 double unders or 100 jump rope Minute 3: 5 power…

January 9, 2021


Posted by jereme

For time: Count down from 1010 reps Deadlift 9510 reps hang clean 10 reps shoulder to overhead10 reps back squat…

January 6, 2021


Posted by jereme

For time 4 rounds of 30 pushups 30 alternating ground to overhead kb 53/35 30 sit-ups

January 3, 2021


Posted by jereme

For time: 2 rounds of 50 walking lunge to overhead kb press. 35/little red 50 box over 20” Lunge is…

December 31, 2020


Posted by jereme

Amrap 20 21 burpees 21 per side kb hang snatch 35/little red 21 BB hang clean 95/65 21 cal rowing